Gospel Shaped Church is a five-track curriculum from The Gospel Coalition. It is designed to take the whole church family on a journey to discover how the gospel should shape every part of their life and witness. Five immersive tracks look at the impact of the gospel on worship, outreach, daily living, work and caring for those in need.

Each presenter has been hand-picked by The Gospel Coalition for their faithfulness to the gospel as well as their clear and engaging teaching style. Each track is made up of video teaching sessions, group discussions, Bible studies and personal devotional readings. The flexible sessions can be run in adult Sunday-school style meetings, or in a smaller home-group setting.

To run each track you need a Leader's Kit (containing a Leader's Guide, DVD and sample Handbook) as well as extra Handbooks for use by course participants. Extra Leader's Guides are available as required. 

"We want churches called into existence by the gospel to be shaped by the gospel in their everyday life"Don Carson and Timothy Keller, Co-Founders, The Gospel Coalition. 

"This five-part curriculum lights up the clear aim to see God’s people more and more shaped by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are practical, Word-filled resources to help spur on gospel growth in local congregations. They are a gift to the church, created by leaders who love and serve the church." Kathleen Nielson, Director of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition. 



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